• 1000+
    highly qualified employees
  • 2011
    Year of foundation of the company Tatneft-Presskomposite LLC
  • 10+
    Patents — the innovative potential of the company
  • Fighting climate change
    A conscious, environmentally responsible business based on sustainable development goals
  • ISO
    the management system complies with the international standard


Composite pipes

Production of pump-compressor, casing, linear high-pressure pipes and shaped products to them.
Winding is a glass fiber impregnated with a binder (thread, tape or fabric) wound on a cylindrical mandrel.
Composite pipes

Composite profiles and cable trays

We produce more than 40 types of fiberglass profiles for construction purposes of various cross sections, lengths and colors.
  • 5 lines
    Number of lines
  • 1000 km/year
    Design capacity
Pultrusion is a continuous technological process of obtaining profiles by pulling glass materials impregnated with thermosetting resin through a heated shaping die. The output is a fully formed profile of a given configuration.
Composite profiles and cable trays
  • 5 lines
    Number of lines
  • 1000 km/year
    Design capacity


Polyester sheet press material (prepreg) in the form of a sheet, which is covered on both sides with a special barrier film, which includes unsaturated polyester resins, fillers, additives and fiberglass. It is used in the manufacture of products for which the main characteristics are mechanical strength and high surface quality.


The material is in the form of a loose, shapeless mass, which includes unsaturated polyester resins, fillers, additives and fiberglass. It is used in the production of products of complex configuration.

Company values

  • Professionalism and competence

    Professionalism and competence

    A professional approach to our business and high requirements for the competence of specialists allow us to solve the most complex technological challenges that our company faces.
  • Reliability and long-term partnership

    Reliability and long-term partnership

    Мы нацелены на долгосрочные партнерские отношения и развитие наших Заказчиков. В нашем лице Вы получите надежного поставщика, с которым Вы можете строить долгосрочные планы.
  • Individual approach to each client

    Individual approach to each client

    Мы готовы предложить индивидуальные условия сотрудничества для каждого Заказчика: подбор рецептуры композита под нужды конкретного потребителя, гибкое ценообразование, ритмичность поставок, технологическое сопровождение.
Company mission
We strive to increase the competitiveness of the Russian economy and the development of the Russian market for composite products based on domestic raw materials and materials.
history of the company
  • The leadership of the Republic of Tatarstan has set a strategic task
    The leadership of the Republic of Tatarstan, attaching great importance to increasing the depth of processing of raw materials available in the region and increasing the added value of products manufactured in the region, set a strategic task for PJSC TATNEFT to introduce high technologies for the production of composite materials on the territory of the Alabuga Free Economic Zone.
  • 2012

Company strategy

  • Maintain and develop new markets

    Preserve existing and develop new markets for products and services
  • Improve quality

    Improve the quality of products and services based on the requirements and expectations of consumers
  • Save the labor collective

    Maintain a favorable psychological climate conducive to timely identification of problems and their effective solution
  • Build an effective management system

    Allowing you to make accurate, high-quality and operational management decisions

Main directions

  • Improving the efficiency of the enterprise

    its competitiveness, taking into account the interests of customers and the workforce
  • Meeting the requirements and continuously improving the effectiveness of the system

    quality management system based on the interstate standard ISO 9001:2015
  • Regular training and improvement of staff competence

  • Building mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers

    based on trust and partnership

Company policy

  • Carrying out marketing research to determine consumer requirements and evaluate their satisfaction; Providing advisory support in the sale of products. Systematic analysis of current and future requirements, consumer expectations and their satisfaction with our products and services.
    123 pdf, 479 Kb
  • Continuous improvement of production processes and product control. Reducing the number of nonconformities detected at all stages of the product life cycle. Providing staff with the necessary resources.
    In the field of production jpg, 205.82 Kb
  • T – Technical re-equipment, modernization and expansion of production capacities, introduction of new technologies.

    N – The need to develop and improve achievable and measurable goals of the enterprise.

    P – Products – The quality of products, services, must meet the requirements of the consumer. Improving production efficiency.

    C – The client is always right. He is the main source of our well–being and development, which require unconditional respect.
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  • Personnel policy
    The company is managed by a close-knit team of like-minded people and professionals. Individuality, the ability to show leadership qualities and take responsibility for decisions made, openness to learning, personal experience in a particular area of expertise of each employee are multiplied and supplemented by joint teamwork.
  • Labor protection
    In accordance with Article 15 (Part 6) of Federal Law No. 426-FZ dated December 28, 2013 "On special assessment of working conditions", the employer, taking into account the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on personal data and the legislation of the Russian Federation on state and other legally protected secrets, organizes placement on its official website in the information and telecommunications network "Internet" summary of the results of the special
8 (85557) 727-40 sales@tnpc.ru

423600, Republic of Tatarstan Yelabuzhsky district, street 22.1, building 48/3

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